Coordinator: Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi, Łódź (Polska)
Research conducted in terms of the planned outcome of intellectual work - Preventive Program RESILIENCE (further PPR) (questionnaire carried out in partner countries) showed that risk behaviors appear most often in students aged 13-18 years (2 to 5 students in class during the school year ). Their intensity and course depends on the characteristics of the family and social environment. The analysis shows that the most frequent ones are: decreased activity and motivation to learn, aggressive and autoaggressive behavior, reaching for psychoactive substances, isolation from peers, truancy, problems with integration in the school environment. Therefore, a significant part of the youth decreases their educational opportunities and becomes an increased risk group, and thus is at risk of leaving the education system too early.
The main goal of the project is to reduce the number of students falling too early from the education system in Poland, Lithuania and Romania by implementing preventive measures in the context of risky behavior in adolescents aged 13-18.
The specific objectives of the project are:
The objectives of the project are in line with the priority of strategic partnerships in the field of school education (Supporting schools in preventing early school leaving and training and providing support to pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, taking into account the needs of all students regardless of their results) and objectives and relevant aspects ERASMUS + program.
As part of the project, 24 comprehensive PPRs will be created, which are a response to the diagnosis carried out prior to the implementation of the project. Each school will monitor the number of students leaving school. After two years of the project, we will have a report on the effectiveness of the PPR in correlation to the number of pupils interrupting early school education that did not participate in the project. Schools that join the project will have to have the percentage of students leaving higher education than the target one in a given country (Poland 4.5%, Romania 11.3%, Lithuania 6.9%).
The project will be implemented in international cooperation, because otherwise it will not be possible to develop universal tools on a European scale and to create in the Virtual Prevention Laboratory a network of exchange of experiences between teachers from different countries. In WLP there will be 4 thematic modules, where each partner will be a mentor for other users in its substantive area (AHE-risky youth sexuality, Metis-addiction, PPP-the problem of suicides and aggression, CJREA-the problem of ethnic minorities).
Each partner will bring to the project the knowledge in which he specializes. The experience of partners in the area of prevention programs in connection with knowledge and competences (Poland - the problem of prostitution, psychoactive drugs, Lithuania - the role of social pedagogue, preventing violence and suicides among young people, Romania - working with the problem of minority communities) will allow to create the best tools for creating PPR.
The diagnosis from the perspective of the project confirmed that children from ethnic minorities (eg Roma) are a group much more often leaving the education system, so our activities should focus largely on prevention in this area. The most common reason for this is negligence on the part of carers. CJREA has knowledge and experience in the area of Roma minorities. The diagnosis in Poland and Lithuania showed that negligence on the part of care. this is one of the most important problems in the prevention of risky behavior. At the same time, it should be emphasized that the province Silesia and Lodz are in the top six voivodships with the highest number of Roma in Poland (according to the Central Statistical Office).
Source: 2017-07-23, 18:31